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Using the MarkerClusterer allows you to display a large number of markers on the map.

The MarkerClusterer is implemented through @googlemaps/js-markerclusterer You can refer to their documentation for instructions on how to use it.


The following code excerpt demonstrates a basic usage example:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker, MarkerClusterer } from "@voomap/map";
import { reactive } from "vue";

const center = reactive<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>({
  lat: 25.0855388,
  lng: 121.4791004

        v-for="marker in 500"
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker, MarkerClusterer } from "@voomap/map";
import { reactive } from "vue";

const center = reactive<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>({
  lat: 25.0855388,
  lng: 121.4791004

        v-for="marker in 500"



import options from @googlemaps/js-markerclusterer.

  • Type MarkerClustererOptions
import type { MarkerClustererOptions } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";
import type { MarkerClustererOptions } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";
  • Example
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker, MarkerClusterer } from "@voomap/map";
import { GridAlgorithm } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";
import { reactive } from "vue";

const center = reactive<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>({
  lat: 25.0855388,
  lng: 121.4791004

const algorithm = new GridAlgorithm({
  gridSize: 60

function createRandomCoordinate() {
  const randomLat = 22 + Math.random() * 3;
  const randomLng = 120.5 + Math.random();

  const lat = Number.parseFloat(randomLat.toFixed(6));
  const lng = Number.parseFloat(randomLng.toFixed(6));

  return { lat, lng };

    <MarkerClusterer :algorithm="algorithm">
        v-for="marker in 100"
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker, MarkerClusterer } from "@voomap/map";
import { GridAlgorithm } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";
import { reactive } from "vue";

const center = reactive<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>({
  lat: 25.0855388,
  lng: 121.4791004

const algorithm = new GridAlgorithm({
  gridSize: 60

function createRandomCoordinate() {
  const randomLat = 22 + Math.random() * 3;
  const randomLng = 120.5 + Math.random();

  const lat = Number.parseFloat(randomLat.toFixed(6));
  const lng = Number.parseFloat(randomLng.toFixed(6));

  return { lat, lng };

    <MarkerClusterer :algorithm="algorithm">
        v-for="marker in 100"


import events from @googlemaps/js-markerclusterer.

  • Example
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker, MarkerClusterer } from "@voomap/map";
import { reactive } from "vue";

const center = reactive<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>({
  lat: 25.0855388,
  lng: 121.4791004

function handleClick() {

    <MarkerClusterer @click="handleClick">
        v-for="marker in 500"
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker, MarkerClusterer } from "@voomap/map";
import { reactive } from "vue";

const center = reactive<google.maps.LatLngLiteral>({
  lat: 25.0855388,
  lng: 121.4791004

function handleClick() {

    <MarkerClusterer @click="handleClick">
        v-for="marker in 500"


If you want to further manipulate the map, you can use the public instance of the component.


  • Type MarkerClusterer
import { MarkerClusterer } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";
import { MarkerClusterer } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";

Automatic updates

When dynamically passing parameters, the markerClusterer will automatically determine whether an instance already exists to decide whether to update or create a new one.

Released under the MIT License.